1. Navigate to https://my.cubithost.com/clientarea.php , Login to your cubithost account.

  2. Click on your services

  3. Select your Product/

  4. Click on "Email Accounts"

  5. Click "Create" to setup a new email account.

  6. Enter your email ID e.g "admin" and enter a preferred password or click "Generate" button.

  7. Click "Create" to set up email.

  8. To access email directly, click "Check Email"

  9. Check the "Open my inbox when I log in" field. - This only appears when you're launching your email for the first time. By checking that box, you're simply telling webmail to take you directly to your mail.

  10. Now click "Open"!

  11. Your can also access webmail direclty by adding "webmail" to your website URL. For example your website URL is www.yoursite.com then webmail will be at www.yoursite.com/webmail

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